- 1949
- 1950
- 1951
- 1952
- a
PRODA stands for Public Representative Office Disqualification Act.
PRODA was passed in January 1949.
Who was Dadabhai Naoroji?
- Indian Political Leader
- Merchant
- Scholar
- All of the above
- d
Dadabhai Narooji is also known as “Grand old man of India”.
He was unofficial Ambassador of India.
He was alos member of UK Parliament.
Footer is used on the bottom of ……page.
- First
- Second
- Last
- Every
- d
Which of the following is not a Margin?
- Top
- Left
- Right
- None of these
- a
Which of the following is not the font style?
- Bold
- Italic
- Regular
- Superscript
- d
Shortcut Key used to Check the spelling mistake:
- F7
- F8
- F9
- F10
- A
Spelling mistakes are highlighted with Red Lines.
Shortcut Key is used to open Transition Tab:
- Alt + C
- Alt + A
- A;t + L
- Alt + G
- d
This function is used in Microsoft PowerPoint.
What was Democratic Party Symbol in 2020 Election?
- Monkey
- Donkey
- Elephant
- None of these
- b
It was founded on 8th January 1828.
It Headquarter is located in Washington DC, US
Noble Peace Prize 2020 won by which Organization?
- Both A & B
- None of these
- a
WFP stands for World Food Program.
WFP is an organ of UN.
It is known as UNWFP.
According to survey of 2024, world Global Warming threat top country is:
- Japan
- China
- Philippine
- Germany
- a
1st Japan
2nd Philippine
3rd Germany