- Dextrose Water
- Dextrose Saline
- Ringer Lactate
- c
Health Department
All Health Department Solved Current and Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Health Department Papers are completely solved with detailed answers.
What is route of insertion of N/G (Nasogastric) tube?
- Through mouth into stomach
- Through mouth into duodenum
- Through nose into stomach
- Through nose into duodenum
- c
Which of the following is used for urinary catheterization?
- Foley’s catheter
- Pig tail catheter
- Nelton catheter
- T-tube catheter
- a
Most common used local anesthetic agent is:
- Bupivacaine
- Lidocaine
- Prilocaine
- Mepivacaine
- b
Lidocaine is also written as Ligocaine.
A child of 5 years is booked for herniotomy. He is giving permission to operate. What to do to fulfill medico-legal requirement of consent?
- Child consent is enough
- Parent should give consent
- Surgeon should give consent
- No need of consent in herniotomy
- b
A device used to give controlled shock to a patient when heart suddenly strops or rhythm is abnormal, is called:
- Cardiac Monitor
- Defibrillator
- Laparoscope
- Oximeter
- b
The process by which sterile surgical site is separated from non-sterilic area is called:
- Scrubbing
- Draping
- Gowning
- Sterilization
- b
Which of following statement is True regarding joint?
- It’s an attachment of cartilage with bone
- No movement is possible at joint
- Shoulder joint is a synovial joint
- There is no joint in vertebral column
- c
Glass is attacked by ____, which is used to make designs on glass by process called etching.
- Hydrochloric Acid
- Hydrofluoric Acid
- Hydrobromic Acid
- Sulphonic Acid
- b
Grignard’s reagent react with carbon dioxide and form additional product, which on hydrolysis in acidic medium given ____
- Alkene
- Alkyl halide
- Ketone
- Carboxylic Acid
- d