- Dead Sea
- Indian Sea
- River Nile
- Indian Ocean
- a
Which of the following is not a mammal?
- Whale
- Fish
- Goat
- Cow
- b
Which country launched world’s first 5G Satellite into space to test 5 technology?
- China
- Russia
- None of these
- b
What is symbol of Republican Party in USA Election?
- Monkey
- Falcon
- Elephant
- Bald Eagle
- b
The symbol of the Democratic Party is Donkey.
Sir Creek is a issue between :
- India & China
- India & Iran
- Pakistan & Iran
- India & China
- a
36 Parallel line divides?
- North Korea & South Korea
- India & China
- China & Iran
- Pakistan & Iran
- a
Largest Peninsula of the world is:
- Home of Africa
- Ocean
- Arabian
- None of these
- c
Anemia is:
- Bloodlessness
- Brain Disease
- Respiratory Disease
- Nervous Disease
- a
KGB was the secret Agency of?
- Israel
- India
- b
The Turkish President who was conferred Nishan E Pakistan by Government of Pakistan?
- Abdullah Gul
- Recep Tayyab Erdogan
- Kamal Ataturk
- None of these
- b
Pakistan conferred Nishan E Pakistan to Tayyab Erdogan on 26th October 2009.