- Banking Companies
- Public Companies
- Tax Companies
- None of these
- a
Stratified Audit means:
- Purposively selected items for audit
- Randomly selected items for audit
- Items carefully selected for audit
- Group audit
- b
Process of costing is relevant to:
- Cement Industry
- Job Order Cost Oriented Projects
- Both A & B
- None of these
- c
Deferred Taxation is:
- Fixed Assets
- Fixed Liabilities
- Part of Owners Equity
- None of these
- d
Difference of Asset life period and Tax duration is called Deferred Depreciation.
Depreciation is provide on:
- Current Assets
- Fixed Assets
- Outward Charges
- None of the Above
- b
Assets are held for the purpose of:
- Earning Revenue
- Outward Charges
- Conversion into cash
- None of these
- a
The purpose of financial market is to:
- Control Inflation
- Allocation saving efficiently
- Increase the price of common stock
- Lower the yield on bonds
- b
Which of the following are incorrect?
Goods Sold for Cash: Cash Sale
Good bought on Credit from T Carter: Purchase T Carter
Goods returned by us to C berry : C berry Outward
Van bought for cash Purchase Cash
- 2 & 4 Only
- 3 Only
- 1 & 3 Only
- 4 Only
- b
The projected benefit obligation is the measure of pension obligation that:
- The employers contribution each period is based on formula.
- The accounting for a defined contribution plan is straight forward and uncomplicated.
- Requires pension expenses to be determined solely on the basis of the plan formula applied to years of service to date and based on existing salary level
- Changes in Employment Rules
- c
Alternative method exist for the measurement of pension obligation, which measure require the use of future salaries in its computation?
- Accumulated benefit obligation
- Projected benefit obligation
- Vested benefit obligation
- None of these
- b