- Sadiq Khan
- Amir Khan
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- Joe Biden
- a
Sadiq Khan is serving as Mayor of London since 9th May 2016. He is 6th Mayor of London. He became Mayor of London three times continuously, in 2016, 2021 and now in 2024. He belongs to Labour Party. He was elected first Muslim Mayor of London.
What is current rank of Pakistan is Sugar Production?
- 6th
- 7th
- 8th
- 9th
- b
Pakistan is at 7th number in Sugar Production but at 8th number in Sugar Export.
Which of the following country is called “Land of Flowers”?
- Japan
- Netherlands
- India
- Canada
- b
Netherlands is called Land of Flowers / Country of Flowers.
Which of the following river does not flow in Baluchistan?
- Nhying River
- Hub River
- Hingol River
- Bolan River
- a
Dashti River
Hub River
Zhob River
Hingol River
Mula River
Bolan River
Nari River
Rohingya Muslims hail from?
- India
- Myanmar
- Canada
- China
- b
The old name of Myanmar was Burma.
How many health targets are set by _____ organization by 2030.
- None of these
- b
WHO stands for World Health Organization.
WHO set 17 target to achieve upto 2030.
These goals are set by SDGs.
Study of diseases of living animals is called:
- Epidemiology
- Dermatology
- Both A & B
- None of these
- a
Recently highest temperature recorded in Antarctica was:
- 20 C
- 18.3 C
- 30 C
- 35 C
- b
This temperature was recorded on 6th Feb,2020.
Who was last British Governor of Punjab?
- Lord Mountbaten
- Sir Francis Mudie
- Lord Ripon
- None of these
- b
Sir Francis Mudie remained Governor Punjab from Aug 1947 to Aug 1949.
Which country is newest member of Euro zone?
- Iran
- Bhutan
- Lithuania
- None of these
- c
Lithuania became member of Euro Zone in 2015.