- Colapse
- Collepse
- Collapse
- Collappse
- c
Collapse گرنے
Choose the word with correct spelling:
- Difame
- Deffame
- Defame
- Daffame
- c
Defame بدنام کرنا
Choose the word with correct spelling:
- Humiliate
- Hummiliate
- Humeliate
- None of these
- a
Humiliate ذلیل کرنا
Synonym of “Anomaly” is:
- Irregularly
- Normally
- Strength
- Integrity
- b
Normally عام طور پر
Synonym of pragmatic is:
- Magnetic
- Practical
- Liar
- Arrogant
- b
Pragmatic حقیقت پسندانہ
Practical عملی
He is interested ….history.
- on
- in
- about
- of
- b
“Behind the scene” means?
- A difficult Position
- Privately
- In different place
- In a theater
- b
I was surprised by the large ….people who came?
- sum of
- number of
- amount of
- total of
- b
If he …..to me. I would have entertained him?
- came
- had come
- are come
- will come
- b
Please open the book…..page 10?
- in
- at
- on
- us
- b