- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- b
There are 13th Gates because Mori is also considered and called Mori Gate.
Sher Shah Suri real name was?
- Fareed
- Faiz
- Sher Jamal
- Abid
- a
Who received First Nishan E Haider?
- Rashid Minhas
- Captain Muhammad Sarwar
- Lalak Jan
- Maj. Aziz Bhatti
- b
Nishan E Haider Award was established on 16th March 1957.
First Nishan E Haider was awarded on 16th March 1957.
State Bank of Pakistan was established in:
- 1946
- 1948
- 1950
- 1952
- b
The total number of seats of Senate in Pakistan are:
- 100
- 96
- 108
- 120
- b
There are reserved 23 seats for Punjab, 23 for Sindh, 23 for KPK, 23 for Balochistan and 04 for Federal Territory.
• General Seats 58
• Technocrats 17
• Women 17
• Non-Muslims 04
Someone fired the building, this type of fire will be called:
- Personal Fire
- Enemy Fire
- Arson Fire
- None of these
- c
کوئی شخص جان بوجھ کر کسی بلڈنگ ، فصل یا کسی بھی چیز کو آگ لگاتا ہے تو اس قسم کی آگ کو آرسن فائر کہتے ہیں۔
اور یہ ایک جرم ہے۔
Water is used for …..fire.
- Simple
- Patrol Fire
- Chemical Fire
- None of these
- a
Water must not be used on Chemical Fire, Patrol Fire and etc.
The part of SCBA which reduce the pressure of cylinder is called:
- Face Mask
- Reducer
- Pressure Guage
- Connector
- b
Smoke consist of ……. Types of particles.
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- a
Solid Particles
Steam Vapour
If we remove the fuel during the fire, it will be called:
- Cooling
- Starvation
- Smothering
- All of the given
- b
اگر آگ لگی ہو ، اور وہاں سےایسی تما اشیا جو آگ لگنے میں مدد دے رہی ہیں جنہیں فیول کہا جائے گا ، ہٹا دی جائیں تو اس طریقہ سے آگ بجھانے کا عمل سٹارویشن کہلائے گا۔