- F11
- F11
- F1
- F5
- a
The short cut key for creating a chart is Alt + F1.
In ……tab you will find Auto sum button.
- Formula Tab
- Formatting Tab
- Standard Tab
- Clipboard Tab
- a
A spreadsheet is a sheet which is spread in such a way that it divides into the various ……..and ………
- Horizontal Column, Vertical Row
- Horizontal Table , Vertical Cell
- Horizontal Row , Vertical Column
- Horizontal Cell, Verticle Table
- c
Which function displays row data in a column or column data in a row is called:
- Rows
- Transpose
- Hyperlink
- None of these
- b
Which of the following is an active cell in Ms Excel?
- Cell Address
- Formula
- Current Cell
- Range
- c
A …….geographic is a visual representation of your information that you fully customize in MS Power Point?
- Ruubber
- Magic Tool
- Small Art
- All of the above
- c
Which term is related with the decorative text?
- Cross Reference
- Word Art
- Hyperlink
- Clip Art
- b
Word Art is a decorative text.
The shortcut key to open a new file in MS Office is:
- Ctrl + C
- Ctrl + N
- Ctrl + V
- Ctrl + X
- b
The Cut Command is Ctrl + X.
The Paste Command is Ctrl + V
The Copy Command is Ctrl + C
……includes the selected text in the index of the documents.
- Mark Entry
- Indent
- Table
- Caption
- a
Which of the following is justification align the text on the both sides left and right of margin?
- Justification
- Right
- Balanced
- None of these
- a
The shortcut key for Justification is Ctrl + J.