- To cut some parts of an item
- To criticize someone
- To find some reason to quarrel
- To destroy something
- b
Choose the correct meaning of the idiom “Play ones card right”
- To do something risky
- To get benefit of the opportunity
- Being to improve
- Change the Parties
- c
Play ones card right means “To do things with well planned way”.
Ctrl, Shift and Alt are called …..keys.
- Modifier
- Function
- Alphanumeric
- Adjustment
- a
Modifier keys actions of other keys when press together.
Which bar is usually located below the title Bar that provides categorized options?
- Scroll Bar
- Status Bar
- Menu Bar
- Tool Bar
- c
Smell a rat:
- Suspect that something is wrong
- Cat’s effort to catch the rat
- Smell of a dead cat
- See something like a cat
- a
خطرے کا احساس ہونا
Pull the wires or strings:
- To act the leading part in a secretive way
- To play stringed instrument
- To tighten the electric wires
- Tighten the wires of Guitar
- a
بااثر لوگوں کے خلاف خفیہ طریقے سے کاروائی کرنا
Petticoat Government:
- Corrupt Government
- Local Government System
- The rule of Women
- Absence of Government
- c
عورتوں کی حکمرانی
Over and Above:
- In addition to
- Upto the mark
- Expire to End
- Full to the limit
- a
کسی چیز میں بار بار اضافہ کرنا
Once in a way:
- Sometimes in the past
- Rarely or Occasionally
- Single entry way or path
- Path for a single person
- b
کسی کام / بات کا کبھی کبھار وقوع پزیر ہونا
Fight Out:
- Continue Fight or effort till end is reach.
- To accept defeat
- To leave the battle ground
- To leave game during match
- a
کسی کام کا آخر تک مکمل کر کے چھوڑنا