- 51
- 52
- 53
- 54
- a
UN ECOSOC has 51 members, all are elected by UNGA & they serve for 03 years mandate.
ECOSOC stands for:
- Economic and Social Culture
- Economic and Social Countries
- Economic and Standard Council
- Economic and Social Council
- d
UN ECOSOC is for global Economic & Social affair.
UN ECOSOC is responsible for co-operation between states as regards Economic & Social.
The president of UN ECOSOC is elected for one year term.
Who is current Secretary General of UN?
- Antonio Guterres
- Bark Obama
- Joe Biden
- Donald Trump
- a
His number is 9th in UN Secretariat.
The UN Secretary General is elected by the UNGA for 05 years mandate.
Which of the following is the administrative organ of UN?
- UN Sec
- b
UN Sec stands for United Nations Secretariat.
How many permanent member countries of UNSC?
- 05
- 08
- 10
- 12
- a
There are 05 permanent member countries and 10 non-permanent member countries.
05 member countries have VETO POWER which are USA, UK, Russia, China &France
10 members are non-permanent and elected for 02 years by UNGA.
How many Non-Permanent members of UNSC?
- 05
- 10
- 15
- 20
- b
10 members are non-permanent and elected for 02 years by UNGA.
How many members of UNSC?
- 15
- 193
- 27
- 05
- a
UNSC have total 15 members.
10 members out of 15 are non-permanent and 05 members are permanent.
UNSC stands for:
- United Nations Solution Council
- United Nations Security Council
- United Nations Simple Council
- None of these
- b
UNSC deals with International Security Issues.
UNSC is responsible for the maintenance of International peace & Security.
UNGA stands for?
- United Naitons General Assembly
- Union Nations General Assembly
- United National General Assembly
- United Nations Go Assembly
- a
UNGA decides to admission of New Members in UN.
It elects the non-permanent members of UNSC.
It elects the 15 Judges of ICJ.
UNGA may resolve the non-compulsory recommendations.
Pakistan joined UN in which year?
- 1947
- 1948
- 1949
- 1950
- a
Pakistan joined UN on 30th September 1947.