- National Income
- Per-capita income
- Domestic Income
- Protection income
- b
Its also called average income.
Which is the oldest organization of the following:
- Common Wealth
- UN
- League of Nations
- African Unity
- c
League of Nations was established in 1920.
According to law of Pakistan, a partnership may consist of members:
- 20
- 50
- 70
- 100
- a
Gross Domestic Product (GOP) is:
- Economic activities of federal government
- Value of all economic activities within a nation’s border.
- Economic output of a country
- None of these
- b
The total value of goods produced and Services provided in a country during a year is called GOP.
Who presented the idea of blood bank?
- James Morson
- Charles Drew
- John Salk
- Edward
- b
First Blood bank was established in 1932.
The Statute of Liberty was gifted to United States by:
- France
- China
- India
- Japan
- a
The Statute of Liberty was gifted to US by France in 1881.
Word Urdu means
- Tajweed
- Jung
- Lashkar
- Ijtima
- c
Urdu is National Language of Pakistan.
The word Urdu is derived from Turkish word “Ordu”.
Urdu was introduced in 17th century in central Asia
Raja Gidh is authored by:
- Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi
- Bano Qudsiya
- Ashfaq Ahmed
- None of these
- b
Raja Gidh was published in 1981.
Short Term loan can be described as:
- If the period is less then one year
- Period should be one month
- Period should be 2 Years
- Period should be 15 days
- a
Long term loan consist of more then one year time period
Current Ratio is calculated as:
- Capital/Assets
- Current Assets/Current Liabilities
- Current Assets/Drawings
- Current Liabilities/Capital
- b
Current Ratio shows about the loss & profit of company to partners within a specific time period.