- Iceland
- Greenland
- England
- Sri Lanka
- B
Airport Security Force (ASF)
Airport Security Force (ASF) Current & Past Papers Solved MCQs have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website.All posts of Airport Security Force (ASF) papers i.e Carporal, Assitant Sub Inspector (ASI), Nursing Assistant, Naib Qasid and etc are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website.
The headquarter of Transparency International is in ______
- Amserdam
- Geneva
- London
- Berlin
- D
The headquarter of Amnesty International is in _____
- Amserdam
- Geneva
- London
- Berlin
- C
The deepest part of the Earth is _____
- Dead Sea
- Mariana Trench
- South Africa
- South Pole
- B
The lowest part of the Earth is ______
- Dead Sea
- Mariana Trench
- South Africa
- South Pole
- A
The highest part of the Earth is _______
- Mount Everest
- K2
- Norway
- North Pole
- A
The permanent Secretariat of OIC is located in ______
- Makkah
- Madina
- Jeddah
- Riyadh
- C
Who is junior person in the same Grade, appointed on same date on?
- Regular basis
- Contract basis
- Officiating basis
- None of these
- B
Temporary Permit Functionary pass is used for maximum period of:
- 01 Month
- 03 Months
- 06 Month
- 09 Month
- B
The national Public Safety Commission shall oversee the functioning of:
- Federal Investigation Agency
- Frontier Constabulary
- Frontier Constabulary
- None of these
- A
NPSC stands for National Public Safety Commission.
NPSC was established in 1965.