- Aggraniz
- Agraadiz
- Aggrandize
- None of these
- C
Aggrandize بڑا کرنا
Airport Security Force (ASF)
Airport Security Force (ASF) Current & Past Papers Solved MCQs have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website.All posts of Airport Security Force (ASF) papers i.e Carporal, Assitant Sub Inspector (ASI), Nursing Assistant, Naib Qasid and etc are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website.
The debate was ____ the following week.
- Adjoined of
- Adjourned with
- Adjourned to
- Adjoined of
- c
بحث/تقریر اگلے ہفتے تک ملتوی کر دی گئی۔
How many number upto 100 are divisible by 7?
- 07
- 14
- 21
- 35
- b
The sum of three consecutive numbers is given, what is the difference between first and third number?
- 2
- 4
- 6
- 8
- a
Numbers that follows each others continuously are called Consecutive numbers i.e 1,2,3,4,5,6,…..
Let the number be:
x, x+1, x+2
(x+2) –x
Famous playback singer Lata Mangeskhar died in Mumbai at age of 92 on:
- February 6, 2022
- January 4, 2022
- Fenruary 5, 2022
- None of these
- a
The real name of Lata Mangeskhar was Hema Mangeskhar.
She was a singer and politician.
She was born on 28 February 1929 in Indore, India
She was a famous singer and Politician also.
She sang 25 thousand songs in different languages of the world.
She sang about 50,000 songs. Its world record.
Her name is mentioned in Guinness book of world record.
She is also known as Queen of Melody and Voice of the Millenniums.
She was awarded India’s biggest civil award “Bharat Ratna”.
Lata Mangeskhar was sister of Singer Asha Bhoslay.
She was died due to Corona Virus on 6 February 2002 in Mumbai.
پاکستان کے دوسرے صدارتی انتخابات کب منعقد ہوئے؟
- 1948
- 1965
- 1973
- 1984
- b
سال 1965 کے صدارتی انتخابات میں کسے کامیابی ملی؟
- محترمہ فاطمہ جناح
- ایوب خان
- دونوں اے اور بی
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
- b
سال 1965 کے صدارتی انتخابات میں ایوب خان کو کتنے ووٹ ملے؟
- 35267
- 42658
- 47896
- 49951
- d
سال 1965 کے صدارتی انتحابات میں محترمہ فاطمہ جناح کو کتنے ووٹ ملے؟
- 28600
- 28691
- 29200
- 29700
- b
سال 1965 کےصدارتی انتخابات ــــــــــــ کو منعقد ہوئے۔
- 12 دسمبر
- 29 دسمبر
- 2 جنوری
- 13 فروری
- c