- Due to
- In absence of
- Being unfit it
- In the light of
- a
جدید دریافتوں کی وجہ سے نظریہ ترک کر دیا گیا ہے۔
Airport Security Force (ASF)
Airport Security Force (ASF) Current & Past Papers Solved MCQs have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website.All posts of Airport Security Force (ASF) papers i.e Carporal, Assitant Sub Inspector (ASI), Nursing Assistant, Naib Qasid and etc are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website.
A large crowd gathered to…….his speech.
- Listen
- Follow
- Delivery
- Hear
- a
ان کی تقریر سننے کے لیے ایک بڑا ہجوم جمع تھا۔
Choose the most appropriate Antonym: “Imitate”
- Imagine
- Douse
- Immerse
- Originate
- d
Imitate نقل کرنا
Originate خود بنانا / تیار کرنا
Choose the most appropriate Antonym: “Bright”
- Dark
- Ugly
- Rough
- Dirty
- a
Bright روشن
Dark اندھیرا
Choose the most appropriate synonym: “Expect”
- Reject
- Anticipate
- Accept
- Disagree
- b
Expect توقع
Anticipate اندازہ لگانا
Choose the most appropriate synonym: “Abacus”
- Casserole
- Black Board
- Slide Rule
- Adding Device
- d
Abacus is a calculating tool.
It was first mechanical calculator.
It is also called counting frame.
It was invented in China.
ASF Service Rules have been framed in:
- 1973
- 1975
- 1977
- 1978
- d
Airport Security Force was established in 1976 under ASF Act- 1975.
ASF Service Rules were framed in 1978.
Solve: 0.00025+0.285*250=?
- 73.25025
- 72.25025
- 71.00025
- 71.25025
- d
Sum of consecutive integers is 33. what is the highest of the integers?
- 08
- 10
- 12
- 14
- c
The numbers which have not fraction or decimal is called Integers.
Fencing / Security Wall around the airport is built to stop:
- Unauthorized Entry
- Animals
- Terrorists
- All of the above
- d