- Saudi Arabia
- China
- Turkey
- Iran
- d
Iran recognized Pakistan first in the world.
Airport Security Force (ASF)
Airport Security Force (ASF) Current & Past Papers Solved MCQs have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website.All posts of Airport Security Force (ASF) papers i.e Carporal, Assitant Sub Inspector (ASI), Nursing Assistant, Naib Qasid and etc are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website.
The Senate of Pakistan was first established under the Constitution of …….
- 1962
- 1973
- 1956
- 1949
- b
Senate of Pakistan was established by the article 59 of Constitution of Pakistan 1973.
The minimum age for member of Senate is 30 Years.
There are 100 seats in Senate.
He insisted to …….the airport on time.
- Reach
- Set on
- Come to
- Travel by air to
- a
اس نے وقت پر ایئرپورٹ پہنچنے کا اصرار کیا۔
The police have……a complaint against four persons.
- Lodged
- Registered
- Both A & B
- Entered
- c
پولیس نے چار افراد کے خلاف شکایت درج کر لی ہے۔
The prisoner was released on…..for good behavior.
- Probation
- Parole
- Bail
- Guarantee
- b
ضمانت کیلئے بار بار عدالت میں پیشی ہوتی ہے اور پھر کہیں ملزم کو ضمانت ملتی ہے۔
پیرول میں ملزم پر الزام ثابت ہو چکا ہو تا ہے اور ملزم کے جیل میں سابقہ گزارے اچھے وقت کو مد نظر رکھتے ہوئے جج کچھ عرصہ کیلئے ملزم کوپیرول پر کچھ وقت کیلئے رہا کر سکتا ہے۔
Find the superlative degree of “merry”:
- Merrier
- More Merrier
- Most Merrier
- Merriest
- d
There are three degrees
Positive Degree
Comparative Degree
Superlative Degree
(Merry, Merrier, Merriest)
Choose the most appropriate antonym: Reckless:
- Diligent
- Negligent
- Cautious
- Intelligent
- c
Reckless لاپرواہ
Cautious محتاط
Choose the most appropriate antonym: Cordial:
- Indifferent
- Awkward
- Non-Serious
- Pathetic
- a
Cordial دوستانہ
Indifferent لاتعلق
Choose the most appropriate synonym: Eager:
- Sensitive
- Careless
- Keen
- Agile
- C
Eager شوقین
Keen شوقین
Choose the most appropriate synonym: Curator:
- Boiler
- Conservator
- Circular
- Enclosures
- b
Curator نگران
Conservator حفاظت کرنے والا
Curator, Custodian, Keeper, Conservator, Guardian, Caretaker, Steward.