- Sukkur
- Sialkot
- Faisalabad
- Quetta
- b
Allama Iqbal was born on 9th November 1877 in Sialkot and died on 21st April 1938 in Lahore.
Board Of Investment (BOI)
All Board of Investment (BOI) Current and Past Solved Paper MCQs are included in this sectio of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of BOI are completely solved with short detail.
Nili Ravi is a breed of:
- Cow
- Buffalo
- Camel
- Goat
- b
It is mostly found in Pakistan and India.
We can get 2000kg milk on yearly basis from Nili Ravi.
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Angry”
- Good Humored
- Mad
- Pleased
- Calm
- b
Angry ناراض
Mad پاگل
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Mistake”
- Perfection
- Typo
- Judge
- Be right
- b
Mistake غلطی
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Speak”
- Be quite
- Listen
- Talk
- Sprout
- c
Speak بولو۔
Talk بات کریں۔
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Glad”
- Happy
- Dismayed
- Sad
- Unwilling
- a
Glad خوشی ہوئی۔
Happy خوش۔
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Always”
- Give Up
- Retain
- Forever
- Never
- c
Always ہمیشہ
Forever ہمیشہ کیلئے
What is the average number of 0,0,4,10,5 and 5?
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
- a
The currency of UAE is:
- Dirham
- Dinar
- Riyal
- Lira
- a
Lira is the currency of Turkey.
Riyal is the currency of Saudi Arabia.
Dinar currency is used in several countries.
The largest Planet in Solar System is:
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Mars
- Earth
- a
The area of Jupiter is 61.42 Billion Km2.