- Released
- Broke
- Broke
- Burst
- D
بچوں نے اپنی ٹیم کی جیت کا جشن منانے کے لیے پٹاخے پھوڑے ۔
Health Department
All Health Department Solved Current and Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Health Department Papers are completely solved with detailed answers.
Aftab ____ a bicycle.
- Ride
- Is riding
- Had riding
- Have riding
- B
آفتاب سائیکل چلا رہا ہے۔
Our newspapers ____ too much space to political news.
- Devote
- Occupy
- Apply
- Contain
- D
ہمارے اخبارات میں سیاسی خبروں کی بہت زیادہ جگہ ہوتی ہے۔
All cabin attendants must lock the cabin door ____ leaving the room.
- Afterwards
- After
- Later than
- Late
- B
تمام کیبن اٹینڈنٹ کو کمرے سے نکلنے کے بعد کیبن کا دروازہ لاک کرنا چاہیے۔
The dinner starts ____ 7:00 P.M in the dinning room.
- On
- At
- In
- For
- B
رات کا کھانا کھانے کے کمرے میں شام 7:00 بجے شروع ہوتا ہے۔
Anti Tetanus Toxoid (ATT) produces:
- Passive Immunity
- Humeral Immunity
- Passive and Active Immunity
- Active Immunity
- A
Tetanus is also know as Jaw Lock.
Following are considered as a “First Responder” Except:
- Military person
- Children
- Medical Staff
- Emergency Staff Room
- B
Administration of preformed antibody in an individual against a specific antigen is known as:
- Innate Immunization
- B-Cell mediated
- Passive Immunization
- Active immunization
- C
Some viral vaccines contain purified viral proteins and are often called:
- Live Vaccines
- PS Vaccines
- Killed Vaccines
- Subunit Vaccine
- D
The ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or Sensitized WBCs known as:
- Sterilization
- Vaccination
- Immunity
- Virulence reduction
- C