- Peshawar
- Gawadar
- Karachi
- Quetta
- C
Health Department
All Health Department Solved Current and Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Health Department Papers are completely solved with detailed answers.
Which part is called “Land of Midnight Sun”?
- Chile
- China
- Japan
- Norway
- D
Some area of Norway get shun shine for a few days at midnight.
The capital of Australia is:
- Dhaka
- Colombo
- Canberra
- New York
- C
Canberra was announced as capital fo Australia on 12 March 1913.
What is synonym of “Slice”?
- Piece of Cut
- Spoil
- Fear
- Show off
- A
Slice ٹکڑا
Piece of Cut کٹ کا ٹکڑا
What is opposite of “Anger”?
- Range
- Calm
- Active
- Hard
- B
Anger غصہ
Calm پرسکون
What is opposite of “Huge”?
- Senior
- Junior
- Big
- Small
- D
Huge بہت بڑا
Small چھوٹا
What is opposite of “Appear”?
- Disappear
- Vanish
- Seem
- Unseen
- A
Appear ظاہر ہونا
Disappear غائب ہو جانا
The largest continent of the world is:
- Europe
- Africa
- America
- Asia
- D
Asia is the largest continent of the world by Area and Population.
The smallest continent of the world is Australia.
Vaccine against Polio Virus was produced in:
- 1950
- 1955
- 1960
- 1965
- B
First Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) was used first time in 1955 in the world.
First Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) was used first time in 1961.
OPV was officially recommended by US Governrnment in 1963.
Most important source of passive immunity in pregnancy is:
- Injections
- Medication
- Oral Vaccines
- Transplacental
- D
Transplacental transformation of IgG during pregnancy provides passive immunity to newborn baby.