- Song : Lyrics
- Chair : Furniture
- Pliers : Screw
- Art : Painting
- D
Health Department
All Health Department Solved Current and Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Health Department Papers are completely solved with detailed answers.
Find out the relation: Pillow : Cloth :: _____:_____
- Wood : Trees
- Knife : Metal
- Mirror : Reflection
- Plastic : Spoon
- B
Find out the relation: Now : Later :: ____:_____
- Easy : Difficulty
- Timely : Early
- Enjoy : Film
- Playing : Simple
- A
Now ابھی
Later بعد میں
Easy آسان
Difficulty مشکل
In Football how many players each team has?
- 08
- 09
- 10
- 11
- D
Rugby Team consist of 15 players.
Volley Ball Team consist of 06 players.
Basket Ball Team consist of 12 players.
Kabaddi Team consist of 07 players
(03 to 05 players remained as substitute)
Temperature for vaccine stability is checked twice a day with:
- BP Apparatus
- Hand
- Dail Thermometer
- Common Thermometer
- C
Probe Thermometer is used for check vaccine stability temperature.
This vaccine is least sensitive to heat:
- Men C
- Varicella
- Hep B
- A
Men C stands for meningococcal conjugate type C.
It is used to protect against meningococcal disease.
It is delivered by needle.
All vaccines are sensitive to extreme heat and extreme cold and required suitable temperature.
This vaccine contains egg proteins:
- Yellow Fever
- Measles
- A
Yellow Fever transmitted by mosquitoes.
Flue vaccines contain Egg Protein.
Egg Protein is called Ovalbumin.
Egg Proteins are containing Amino Acids.
Temperature for most vaccine’s storage is:
- 4-6 C
- 2-8 C
- 4-8 C
- 3-5 C
- B
Its standard temperature for vaccines.
System of transportation and administration of vaccine at given temperature is:
- Cold Storage
- Safe Handling
- Cold Chain
- Refrigeration
- C
BCG vaccine is most sensitive to:
- Heat
- Cold
- Ice
- Flame
- A
BCG Vaccine is most sensitive to heat and light.
BCG Vaccine should be store at standard temperature 2C to 8C.