- Polio Vaccine
- Yellow Fever
- B
Live Vaccines administraion during pregnancy may be causes of Fetal Verimia or Bacteremia.
Verimia means presence of Virus in blood.
Bacteremia means presence of Bacteria in blood.
Inactivated vaccines are safe during pregnancy.
Health Department
All Health Department Solved Current and Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Health Department Papers are completely solved with detailed answers.
Ozone layer above earth’s atmosphere:
- Prevents infrared rays radiation from sun reaching earth
- Prevents infrared rays reflected from earth from escaping earth’s atmosphere
- Prevents Ultraviolet rays from sun
- Reflects back Radio Wave
- C
Ozone layer is found in the Stratosphere.
Stratosphere is at the height of 15-30 Km from earth surface.
Ozone layer absorbs UV B radiations produce resistance tor reach earth.
Water is highly effective coolant for a car engine because:
- Water is good conductor of heat
- Water has very high specific heat capacity
- Water boils at a comparatively high temperature
- Evaporation of water produces lot of cooling
- B
Water is highly effective coolant for a car engine because:
Acetic Acid is commonly used in house hold as:
- Vinegar
- Vitamin C
- Lemon Juice
- Aspirin
- B
The Acetic Acid other names are Ethanoic Acid, Ethylic Acid, Vinegar Acid and Methane Carboxylic Acid.
When hydrogen filled balloons rises high in the atmosphere:
- It will expand
- It will shrink in size
- Its size will remain unchanged
- Will depend on air pressure
- D
Balloon weight became less and hydrogen gas weight became height. Due to extra upthrust balloon rises up.
Smallest unit of compound is:
- Element
- Atom
- Molecule
- Mole
- C
Smallest unit of compound is Atom.
How many meters are in 1 Kilometer?
- 1000
- 2000
- 3000
- 4000
- A
1 Mile is equal to 1.6 Km or 1600 meters.
1 Kg is equal to 1000 Grams.
1 Kg is equal to 2.21 Pounds.
1 Ton is equal to 1000 Kg.
The CPU is located on the main circuit board in a computer. What this board is called?
- Motherboard
- Fatherboard
- Mainboard
- Base Board
- A
Motherboard is the main PCB in computer.
PCB stands fro Printed Circuit Board.
Motherboard is also the backbone of computer.
Mud houses are cooler in summers and warmer in winters as compared to brick houses because:
- Mud is good conductor
- Mud is a bad conductor
- Mud is a neutral insulator by nature
- Cooling in summers and sunlight coming through holes causes warming in winters
- B
Mud is bad conducted of heat as compare to wood or metal.
Mud or Clay neither allows heat to enter the mud house nor allows to exit heat.
A place of metal becomes hot when it lies in the sun through:
- Conduction
- Convection
- Radiation
- Heat Energy
- C