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Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA)
This portion of ETEST Academy will provide you Solved Current and Past Papers of Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA). All MCQs of Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) are completely solved with detailed answers.
Which one is different?
- 8
- 27
- 64
- 77
- d
Shoot means regarding Hajj is _____
- One Tawaf of Kaaba
- Start of Tawaf
- Start of Umrah
- None of these
- a
Tawaf is mandatory in Hajj & Umrah.
What is the name of place where the Sayee is started?
- Marwa
- Safa
- Arafat
- Muzdalifah
- b
Sayee starts from Safa and ends on Marwa.
What was the age of Holy Prophet (PBUH) at the time of Hajar E Aswad Incident?
- 30 Years
- 35 Years
- 40 Years
- None of these
- b
This event was occurred five years before the prophet’s prophethood.
Qurbani is made during Hajj at____
- Muzdalifa
- Arafat
- Mina
- None of these
- c
Qurbani is made during Hajj at Mina or Mecca.
Tawaf Al-Qudum is _____
- Wajib
- Farz
- Sunnah
- None of these
- c
"According to different schools of thought, Tawaf Al-Qudum is considered either Sunnah or Fard."
Tawaf Al-Qudum is known as “Welcome Tawaf”.
Anyone who enters Mecca for any reason, including Umrah, Hajj, Business or Visit performs Tawaf Al-Qudum.
What is meaning of Muqam E Mehmood?
- Station of Praise
- Station of Wealth
- Station of Knowledge
- None of these
- a
Muqam means “Place” and Mehmood means “Praise”.
Muqam E Mehmood is also known as “Praiseworthy Station”.
“Muqam E Mehmood is mentioned in Al-Isra Ayat No.79.
For how many times, a Muslim can perform Hajj in his life?
- One time
- Two time
- No Limit
- None of these
- c
Holy Prophet (PBUH) perfomed four Umrahs and 01 Hajj only.
Al-Multazim means:
- The place of holding
- The resting place
- The sitting place
- None of these
- a
Multazim means “Clinging”.
Multazim is a place between the door of Kaaba and Hajar E Aswad.