- To Run
- Water
- To Stop
- None of these
- c
Zam Zam Well is located within the Masjid Al Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
It is located in east of Kaaba at 20 meters distance.
Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA)
This portion of ETEST Academy will provide you Solved Current and Past Papers of Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA). All MCQs of Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) are completely solved with detailed answers.
Treaty of Hudaibiya was signed in which Hijri year?
- 3 AH
- 4 AH
- 5 AH
- 6 AH
- d
Treaty of Hudaibiya was signed in March 628 CE.
It was a Peace agreement between prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Quraish tibes of Mecca.
Ali (R.A) wrote the Treaty of Hudaibiya.
When did Holy Prophet (PBUH) delivered Khutba Hajjatul Wida?
- 632 AD
- 633 AD
- 634 AD
- None of these
- a
Holy Prophet (PBUJ) delivered Khutba Hajjatul Wida on Friday 9th March 632 CE.
According to Hijri Calander, Khutba Hajjatul Wida was delivered on 9th Zul Hijjaj 10th AH.
Education is meant to____
- Spread Awareness
- Increase Jobs
- How to live
- All of the above
- d
Aeroplan is to sky as Ship is to _____
- Sea
- Road
- Air
- None of these
- a
An Aeroplan is to travels in the sky.
Ship travels in the sea.
Bark is to Dog as Mea is to ____
- Cat
- Cat
- Goat
- Lion
- c
Mea or Maa is the characteristic sound of a goat.
Which toolbar is used to change Fonts and their Sizes?
- Standard
- Reviewing Toolbar
- Formatting
- None of these
- c
Which key is used to start a new paragraph in MS-Word?
- Tab Key
- Ctrl Key
- Enter Key
- Shift + Enter
- c
By default, One tab is equal to four spaces.
On which page the header and footer is printed by default?
- Odd Page
- Every Page
- Even Page
- None of these
- b
Header & Footer option is available in Insert Menu.
In Microsoft Word ruler is used ____
- To set tabs and Indents
- To change text formatting
- To select text
- None of these
- a
The ruler in Microsoft Word is used to set tabs, to change line’s indent or alignment.