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Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA)
This portion of ETEST Academy will provide you Solved Current and Past Papers of Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA). All MCQs of Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) are completely solved with detailed answers.
Which date of Zilhajj is called Yom E Arafat?
- 9th Zilhajj
- 10th Zilhajj
- 11th Zilhajj
- 12th Zilhajj
- a
What is the distance between Muzdalifah and Makkah?
- 03 Km
- 04 Km
- 05 Km
- 06 Km
- d
The distance from Muzdalifah to Arafat is 10 Km.
What would be the minimum age of a goat at the time of sacrifice during hajj?
- One Year
- Two Years
- Three Years
- Four Years
- a
The minimum age of a Goat and Sheep for hajj must be one year.
The minimum age of Cow must be two years.
The minimum age of Camel must be five years.
What are the dates in which Umrah is forbidden?
- 1 to 5 Zulhajj
- 5-7 Zulhajj
- 6 to 10 Zulhajj
- 9 to 12 Zulhajj
- d
What is the meaning of Ihram in terms of Hajj?
- To take slow breath
- To wear the cloths of Hajj
- To wear Shalwar Kameez
- None of these
- b
What was the old name of Medina?
- Becca
- Baghdad
- Yasrab
- None of these
- c
The name Yasrab was changed after the migration of Holy Prophet (PBUH) from Makkah to Medina.
The meaning of Yasrab is Punishable Land.
The name of Yasrab is related to 7th generation of Noah (A.S).
The word “Yasrab” is prohibited to use for Medina.
What was the old name of Makkah?
- Miccah
- Bakkah
- Yasrab
- None of these
- b
The name Bakkah is also mentioned in Surah Al-Imran Ayat No.96.
Complete the series: 1,3,7,15,31,63,_____
- 100
- 127
- 137
- 147
- b
Complete the series: 2,6,12,20,30,42,_____
- 56
- 58
- 60
- 62
- a