- 04
- 05
- 06
- 07
- b
Main days of Hajj are 5 of 12th month of Islamic Calendar Zulhijjah.
The 8th Zulhijjah is called Yom Al Tarwiyah.
The 9th Zulhijjah is called Yom Al Arafat.
The 10th Zulhijjah is called Yom Al Nahr.
The 11th and 12th are called Ayyam Al Tashreeq.
Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA)
This portion of ETEST Academy will provide you Solved Current and Past Papers of Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA). All MCQs of Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) are completely solved with detailed answers.
The distance between Mina and the plains of the Arafat is ____
- 10 Km
- 12 Km
- 14 Km
- 18 Km
- a
The distance between Mina and Muzdalifah is 7-10 Km.
The distance between Mina to Makkah is 8 Km.
The distance between Mina to Jamarat is 3 Km.
Hajj E Badal is that one:
- Which one could not be performed last year
- When instead of Hajj, Umrah is performed
- In which umrah is also intended
- Which is performed for another person who can / could not perform it himself
- d
Hajj E Badal is also called as “Proxy Hajj”.
Hajj E Badal is performed for people who are disabled, chronically ill and diseased.
Hajj-e-Badal is considered rewardable for both the person who performs the Hajj and the deceased who intended to perform it.
Which one is different from others?
- Sugarcane
- Wheat
- Rose
- Maize
- c
Rose is a plant typically grown for decoration purpose whereas Maize, Wheat and Sugarcane are crops and cultivated for agricultural purpose.
Which one is different?
- Lion: Roar
- Snake: Slither
- Dog: Bark
- Chicken: Hum
- d
The sound of Chicken is Cluck / Cackle.
Hum is not sound of Chicken.
The other animals sound is correctly matched with their characteristic sounds.
If GOLFER is called as FPMEDQ then STUCK will be coded as:
- b
STUCK will be coded as RUVBJ
First letter moves back by 1
Second letter moves forward by 1
Third letter moves forward by 1
Fourth letter moves back by 1
Fifth letter moves back by 1
Cotton is to Quilt as ______ is to blanket.
- Wool
- Pillow
- Silk
- Softness
- a
Cotton is used to make Quilt.
Wool is used to make Blanket.
You are required to give briefing of your role duties, which of the following would you use?
- Excel
- PowerPoint
- Word
- Notepad
- b
The extension of Power Point is .pptx
First PowerPoint file was created on 20th April 1987.
Which of the following is the temporary storage for the content copied?
- Clipboard
- Sidebar
- a
RAM is called temporary storage memory of computer.
ROM is called permanent storage memory of computer.
You are said to collect Numerical data from different sources and perform different computations on it, which of the following you would use?
- Word
- Power Point
- Front Page
- Excel
- d
Microsoft Word is used to Create or Organize document.
Microsoft Power Point is used for Presentation.