- Ahmed
- Azhar
- Murshid
- None of these
- b
Murshid is smaller than Azhar
Mushid Ahmed
Murshid Ahmed
Azhar is tallest and Ahmed is smallest.
Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA)
This portion of ETEST Academy will provide you Solved Current and Past Papers of Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA). All MCQs of Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) are completely solved with detailed answers.
What comes next in the series? 112, 100, 88, _______
- 80
- 78
- 76
- 74
- c
Complete the series D, F, H, J, ______
- K
- L
- M
- N
- b
If 7 * 8 = 3540, 4 * 5=2025 then 7 * 9=?
- 4530
- 3545
- 4535
- 3540
- b
7 * 8=3540
(7*5=35, 8*5=40)
4 * 5=2025
(4*5=20, 5*5=25)
(7*5=35, 9*5=45)
Find the odd one out.
- Leopard
- Tiger
- Cow
- Lion
- c
Cow is a domesticated animal, whereas Lion, Tiger and Leopard are wild carnivorous animals.
Which word does not belong to the list?
- Acre
- Mile
- Yard
- Inch
- a
Acre is a unit of area, whereas Mile, Yard and Inch are units of length.
In MS Word, we have following two-page orientation available?
- Landscape and Horizontal
- Portrait and Horizontal
- Portrait and Width Wise
- Portrait and Landscape
- d
The MS Office feature to automatically correct spelling mistakes during typing in a document is called____
- Auto Treasures
- Auto Spell Check
- Auto Check
- Auto Correct
- d
Auto Correct command is available in File Menu.
In MS Word, the header or footer is printed on which page by default?
- On first page of the document
- On alternate page of the document
- On every page of the document
- None of the above
- c
Header & Footer option is available in Insert Menu.
The shortcut key of Header is Alt+N+H+E.
The shortcut key of Footer is Alt+N+O+E.
In MS Word smaller texts raised or dropped from the normal text baseline are called _____ and _____
- Superscript and Drop Cap
- Superscript and Subscript
- Subscript and Raised Cap
- None of the above
- b