Bomb Disposal Cadre (BDC) Constable (Sindh Police) Head Constable Police Department Sindh Police Department STS SIBA Past Papers

نحو میں جملے کی بنیادی اقسام کتنی ہیں ؟

  • ایک
  • دو
  • تین
  • چار
  • b
  • نحو کے لغوی معنی راستہ ، کنارہ یا ارادہ کرنا کے ہیں۔
    علمِ نحو کی دو اقسام ہیں جن میں لغوی اور اصطلاحی شامل ہیں۔

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Bomb Disposal Cadre (BDC) Constable (Sindh Police) Head Constable Police Department Sindh Police Department STS SIBA Past Papers

نظم مشورہ کی خالق کون ہیں ؟

  • کشور ناہید
  • یاسمین حمید
  • ادا جعفری
  • پروین شاکر
  • d
  • پروین شاکر 24 نومبر 1952 کو کراچی میں پیدا ہُوئیں۔
    آپ کچھ عرصہ شعبہ تدریس سے واپس رہیں ۔
    آپ سرکاری ملازم کے طور پر کسٹم ڈیپارٹمنٹ میں بطور سیکرٹری تعینات رہیں۔
    شاعری کے میدان میں آپ احمد ندیم قاسمی کو اپنا اُستاد مانتی تھیں۔
    آپ نے 26 دسمبر 1994 کو اسلام آباد میں وفات پائی۔

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Accounting MCQs AG Office FPSC Past Papers Pakistan Military Accounts Department (PMAD) Senior Auditor (SA)

Who can remove Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP) from his office?

  • President of Pakistan
  • Supreme Court of Pakistan
  • Prime Minister of Pakistan
  • Army Chief of Pakistan
  • b
  • According to Constitution of Pakistan 1973, No authority can remove Auditor General of Pakistan. He can resign on his own willingness or can be removed from service due to misconduct on the judgement of Supreme Court of Pakistan.

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Accounting MCQs AG Office FPSC Past Papers Pakistan Military Accounts Department (PMAD) Senior Auditor (SA)

How many articles of Constitution of Pakistan 1973 are related to appointment, authority and functions of Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP)?

  • 01
  • 02
  • 03
  • 04
  • d
  • There are four articles in articles in Constitution of Pakistan 1973 which are related to appointment, functions and authority of Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP). The related articles are Article 168 to 171.

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Accounting MCQs AG Office FPSC Past Papers Pakistan Military Accounts Department (PMAD) Senior Auditor (SA)

Which article of Constitution of Pakistan 1973 deals with Appointment of Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP)?

  • Article 164
  • Article 165
  • Article 167
  • Article 168
  • d
  • Article 168 of Constitution of Pakistan 1973 deals with the appointment and removal of Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP).

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