- 1958
- 1962
- 1973
- 1985
- a
First Constitution of Pakistan 1956 was abolished by Ayub Khan on 7th October 1958.
All Departments Solved Papers
All Department’s Current & Past Solved Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of All Departments are included in this section with complete detail. Our team updates this website on daily basis.
Which of the following country gifted the Statute of Liberty to USA?
- China
- Germany
- France
- India
- c
The Statute of Liberty was given to USA from France on 19th June 1885.
It was friendship gift from France to USA.
Abu Jehal was killed in which Ghazwa?
- Ghazwa E Badar
- Ghazwa E Uhad
- Ghazwa E Khandaq
- Ghazwa E Ahzab
- a
Ghazwa E Badar was fought on 17th Ramzan 2nd Hijri.
Abdullah Ibn E Masood Killed Abu Jehal.
What is duration of Caliphate of Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A)?
- 2 Years 2 Months 01 Day
- 2 years 3 Months 01 Day
- 3 Years 2 Months
- None of these
- b
Abu Bakkar Saddique (R.A) was first Caliph of Islam.
Usman Ghani (R.A) Caliphate tenure was longest tenure among all four Caliph.
Bid amount in advance should not exceed to:
- 5%
- 10%
- 15%
- 20%
- a
In how much forms the bid is written:
- 4 types
- 5 types
- 6 types
- 7 types
- a
Pension Rule 2016 revise to give the pension form:
- 25
- 26
- 27
- 28
- a
In case of International bidding the maximum time given to submit bid documents:
- 30 days
- 20 days
- 10 days
- 05 days
- a
Time Period for national level bidding is 15 days.
Who became Prime Minister of Pakistan after General Election of 1990?
- Nawaz Sharif
- Benazir Bhutto
- Zafarullah Jamali
- Ch.Pervaiz Elahi
- a
Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif became 12th Prime Minister of Pakistan after General Election of 1990.
Moving around the Khana Kaaba is called:
- Saee
- Tawaf
- Rami
- Astalam
- b
Kiss to Hajar E Aswad is called Astalam.