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All Departments Solved Papers
All Department’s Current & Past Solved Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of All Departments are included in this section with complete detail. Our team updates this website on daily basis.
MS Word is related to:
- Microsoft
- Android
- A
MS Word is a component of Microsoft Office.
Which is not provided in Microsoft Packages?
- Teams
- Word
- Excel
- Power Point
- a
MS Word
MS Excel
MS Power Point
MS One Note
MS Outlook
What is Extension for Word Document is:
- .pptx
- .doc
- .xlsx
- None of these
MS Excel Extension is .xlsx
MS Power Point Extension is .pptx
World is showing …..for the poor people of India.
- Sympathy
- Empathy
- Sorrow
- None of these
- a
دنیا ہندوستان کے غریب عوام کے لیے ہمدردی کا اظہار کر رہی ہے۔
Skinner is associated with:
- Behaviorism
- Culture
- Sociology
- None of these
- a
SCO Meeting in 2020 held on which date?
- 30th November 2020
- 31th November 2020
- 30th December 2020
- 31th December 2020
- a
SCO stands for Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
It was 19th Summit SCO Meeting.
Next Meeting of SCO in 2021 will be hosted by Tajikistan.
To convert text into different line, the function is used:
- Wrap Text
- Auto Text
- Correction Text
- Edit texty
- a
Graphics in MS Word is called:
- Clip Art
- Photos
- Table
- Page layout
- a
The Clip Art option is available in Insert Menu of MS Word.
Cell range in Excel from A1 cell to M12 will be written as:
- A1:M12
- A1/M12
- A1;M12
- A1+M12
- a