- Asar e Hind
- A cover of Essay on the Life of Muhammad (PBUH)
- Bang E Dara
- None of these
- b
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Published this book in 1870.
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Every Formula in Excel starts with …..sign.
- =
- +
- -
- /
- a
First Revelation was revealed in:
- Cave of Dharab
- Cave of Heet
- Cave of Hira
- None of these
- c
First Revelation consist of first five aayat of Surah Al Alaq.
First Revelation revealed on Holy Prophet (PBUH) at the age of 40 years.
Second belief of Islam on:
- Oneness of Allah
- Prophethood
- Angels
- None of these
- c
First belief of Islam is:
- Oneness of Allah
- Prophets
- Books
- Angels
- a
The Sovereignty of the world belongs to:
- Allah Almighty
- Politicians
- Humans
- Elf
- a
The meaning of Shirk is?
- Participation
- Divide
- Gathering
- Separation
- a
The biggest and Severe sin is:
- Shirk
- Fornication
- Theft
- Premium
- a
What is opposite of Toheed?
- Shirk
- Prayer
- Exercise
- Hajj
- a
Shirk has main two types.
Who is current Secretary General of UN?
- Joe Biden
- Antonio Gutters
- Donald Trump
- Bill Gates
- b
Antonio Gutters is the 9th General Secretary of UNGA.
He belongs to Portugal.