- Carry weight with a jerk
- To recover health or grow stronger
- Collect flower from Garden
- Kind of Vehicle
- b
Its Phrase Verb
All Departments Solved Papers
All Department’s Current & Past Solved Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of All Departments are included in this section with complete detail. Our team updates this website on daily basis.
Hope against Hope:
- To hope even when the case is hopeless
- A work of Miracle
- Hope for bad luck
- A person always hoping without any action
- b
At large:
- Of bigger size
- A huge building
- At liberty, free
- Deep Jungle
- c
Be carried away:
- To walk carrying a load
- Under the influence of Emotions and not of reason
- A dead body carried to graveyard
- A term used in Hockey Game
- b
Out of bounds:
- Limitless
- Bound because of law
- Uncontrollable
- Outside the limits of area
- a
Out of bounds حد سے باہر
Limitless لامحدود
If you are transporting a patient with known airborne disease you should?
- You should put a suspical mask on the patient
- Put an oxygen mask on the patient
- You should wait for hazechem team to arrive
- None of these
- d
Shock is caused by:
- Vomiting
- Heart Attack
- Nausea
- None of these
- d
You are attending a call as an EMT your patient is a 4 years male in moderate pain. What is the appropriate intervention?
- Ibuprofen 5mg
- Morphine PO
- Paracetamol 1 g PO
- None of these
- d
What is best treatment for second degree burn?
- Silva
- Acid
- Water
- All of the above
- a
Which medical condition will develop from severe blood loss?
- Anaphylaxis
- Grunting
- Shock
- Hypthermia
- c