- Hardware Assesment
- Assessment Program
- Figure Configurartion
- None of These
- b
The assessment of any program with standard criteria is called Benchmark Program.
All Departments Solved Papers
All Department’s Current & Past Solved Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of All Departments are included in this section with complete detail. Our team updates this website on daily basis.
What was the profession of Esa (A.S)?
- Carpenter
- Iron Man
- Engineer
- None of these
- a
Kronborg Castle located in which country?
- India
- Denmar
- None of these
Its UNESCO world heritage sight.
Sindh Sagar Doab is located between which two rivers?
- Ravi and Chenab
- Jhelum and Sindh
- Sindh and Ravi
- Sutluj and Ravi
- b
Area between two rivers is called Doab.
Doab is basically a Persian word.
ناول خاک و خون کس کی تصنیف ہے؟
- نسیم حجازی
- اشفاق اھمد
- بانو قدسیہ
- کوئی نہی
- a
1947 میں تقسیم ہند کے دوران جو قربانیاں مسلمانوں نے دی اس پر یہ ناول خاک و خون لکھا گیا۔
ارسطو سے ایلیٹ تک کس نے لکھی ؟
- جمیل جالبی
- علامہ اقبال
- قائد اعظم
- مرزاغالب
- a
آنگن کس نے لکھا ہے؟
- خدیجہ مستور
- بانو قدسیہ
- ناہید اختر
- کوئی نہیں
- a
یہ ایک ناول تھا جس پر بعد میں ڈرامہ بھی بنایا گیا۔
خدیجہ مستور اس ناول کی وجہ سے مشہور ہوئیں۔
Tochi Pass connects?
- Pakistan and Afghanistan
- Pakistan with India
- Pakistan with Iran
- None of these
- a
Tochi basically as valley in North Waziristan.
This pass is located in KPK.
It connects Bannu Pakistan with Ghazni Afghanistan.
Anti-Money Laundering Act was passed in which year?
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- b
Anti Money laundering Act-2010 replaced the Anti Money laundering Act-2007.
Compass always points which direction?
- North
- South
- East
- West
- a
Due to earth’s magnetic field, the needle always points to North Magnetic Pole.