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- None of these
- c
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All Departments Solved Papers
All Department’s Current & Past Solved Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of All Departments are included in this section with complete detail. Our team updates this website on daily basis.
What is Synonym of “Reject”?
- Accept
- Deny
- Keep
- Welcome
- b
Reject رد کرنا
Deny انکار کرنا
What is Synonym of “Eminent”?
- Great
- Unimportant
- Unknown
- None of these
- a
Eminent نامور
Great زبردست
Rescuer should be trained to provide:
- Best Response Services
- Needs of Poor
- Advice
- Ideas About Business
- a
Gown, Mask, Gloves and Caps are used for _____ protection.
- Self
- Patient’s
- Environment
- Community
- a
Gown, Mask, Gloves, Caps are PPEs.
PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment.
PPEs prevents from infectious agents and hazardous material.
Isolation as well as treatment of ____ is toxicology.
- Poisons
- Fever
- Nausea
- Stroke
- a
Toxicology is a branch of Science which studies the adverse effects of drugs and chemicals on living organisms.
Application of drug on the surface is called:
- Oral
- Topical
- I/V
- I/M
- b
Medication applied in the way of surface of the body is called Topical Medication.
Oral Medicine is taken by mouth.
I/V is known as Intravenous. I/V medicines are administered directed into a vein.
I/M is known as Intramuscular. I/M medicines are injected into a musle.
When on an emergency site, first-aid provider should not:
- Treat an unconscious patient
- Control bleeding
- Give Resuscitation
- Give medicines to patients without authorization
- d
EMT is not authorized to give medicines without permission of MBBS Doctor.
Cryptography is a branch of science which deals with:
- Crimes
- Dictionary
- Secret Writing
- Old things
- c
Cryptography is also called Crytology.
Cryptography first time introduced in 1553.
Cryptography is used in Cipher.
What is a Levin’s Tube used for?
- Gastro Intestinal Feeding
- Nasogastric Suction
- Both A & B
- None of these
- c
Levins tube is a Nasogastric (NG) tube.
Levins Tube is inserted through Nose.
Levins Tube is used to remove gas, fluid or any irrelevent content from the stomach.
Levins Tubes are also used to wash out the content from stomach.
Levins Tubes are also used to provide nutrition or medication to patients who are unable to eat or swallow orally.