- Lahore
- Islamabad
- Rawalpindi
- None of these
- b
All Departments Solved Papers
All Department’s Current & Past Solved Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of All Departments are included in this section with complete detail. Our team updates this website on daily basis.
HTV stands for:
- Hello Transport Vehicle
- Heavy Transport Vehicle
- Heavy Total Vehicle
- None of these
- b
What is speed limit of HTV on Highways?
- 60 Km/h
- 70 Km/h
- 80 Km/h
- 90 Km/h
- d
What is speed limit of LTV on Highways?
- 110 Km/h
- 100 Km/h
- 120 Km/h
- 130 Km/h
- b
The oldest and most important highway of Pakistan is:
- Motorway
- GT Road
- Runway
- None of these
- b
GT road constructed first time by Sher Shah Suri reaches from Peshawar to Delhi.
Makran Coastal Highway is called:
- N-10
- N-9
- N-8
- None of these
- a
The length of N-10 is 653 Km.
Makran Coastal Highway starts from Karachi and ended in Gwadar.
What is helpline number of NH & MP?
- 130
- 140
- 150
- None of these
- a
How many National Highways and Motorways in Pakistan?
- 25
- 39
- 42
- None of these
- b
Which Ministry controls the National Highways & Motorway Police (NH & MP)?
- Interior Ministry
- Ministry of Narcotics
- Ministry of Communication
- None of these
- c
The Hakla-D.I.Khan Motorway is known as:
- M-6
- M-7
- M-14
- None of these
- c
Hakla To DI Khan Motorway was inaugurated on 5th January 2022.