- 57522
- 31102
- 44312
- None of the Above
- b
Pakistan Military Accounts Department (PMAD)
Stock in trade is a:
- Intangible Asset
- Current Asset
- Fixed Asset
- None of these
- b
Auditing is a branch of:
- Natural Science
- Abstract Science
- Abstract Science
- Social Science
- d
Debenture represents:
- Direct Share in business
- Long Term liability of a business
- Long term capital of a business
- None of these
- b
Current ratio is calculated to:
- Compare the current asset with past asset
- Measure the Liquidity of Concern
- Compare the current asset with fixed asset.
- None of these
- b
Leaders perform:
- Informational Role
- Informal Role
- Decisional Role
- None of these
- c
Income tax rates are the same for:
- Banking Companies
- Public Companies
- Tax Companies
- None of these
- a
Stratified Audit means:
- Purposively selected items for audit
- Randomly selected items for audit
- Items carefully selected for audit
- Group audit
- b
Process of costing is relevant to:
- Cement Industry
- Job Order Cost Oriented Projects
- Both A & B
- None of these
- c
Deferred Taxation is:
- Fixed Assets
- Fixed Liabilities
- Part of Owners Equity
- None of these
- d
Difference of Asset life period and Tax duration is called Deferred Depreciation.