- Osteoclacin
- Hydroxyproline
- Procollagen Residue
- Alkaline Phosphate
- a
Bone Markers are Blood and Urine Test that detect products of bones.
Osteoclacin is a protein that helps to regenerate bone tissue.
Rescue 1122
All Rescue 1122 Current & Past Papers are available in this portion of ETEST Website. This portion will provide you all solved papers of EMT, FR, DR, FDR, LFR, LTV, Naib Qasid, Seniority Worker,Accountatn, Assistant Accountatn, TMI, MT, SC, RSO, EO, DEO and etc.
Personal hygiene practices are affected by all the following except:
- Disability
- Personal Choice
- Culture
- Economic Consideration
- b
In which cotrimoxazole not use in treatment?
- Typhoid
- Prostatitis
- Chancroid
- b
Lady with infertility with B/L tubal block at cornua. Best method of management is:
- Hydrotubation
- Tuboplasty
- Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy
- a
IVF stands for In Vitro Fertilization.
Cornua is similar name of Uterotubal.
The most effective way to break the chain of infection is by:
- Wearing gloves
- Placing patient in isolation
- Providing private rooms for all patients
- Performing hand hygiene
- b
A nurse is preparing a room for a patient with tuberculosis. The specific aspect for this tier of Standard Precautions is that the care should include:
- A private room with negative air flow
- Hand Hygiene after gloves are removed
- Eye protection if splashing is possible
- Disposal of sharps in a puncture resistant container
- a
Stack method of dental estimation is used for:
- Adolescents
- Infants
- 25-30 Years
- None of these
- b
Dental Age Estimation method for child is called Stack Method.
The appearance of red, swollen, nassal mucosa from allergy to regweed pollen has been mediated by:
- Histamine
- Complement C3b
- None of these
- a
Which drug is given to prevent HIV transmission from mother to child?
- Lamivudine
- Abacavir
- Navirapine
- Stavudine
- c
Women should start HIV medicine before become pregnant to prevent HIV transmission to child.
According to organ transplantation act 1994, What punishment for doctor if found guilty?
- More than 5 Years
- 2 years
- 4 Years
- None of these
- d
The punishment for doctor may be extended to five years with fine.