- All Aminotransferase
- Asparate Aminotransferase
- Actuall Aminotransferase
- None of these
- b
Rescue 1122
All Rescue 1122 Current & Past Papers are available in this portion of ETEST Website. This portion will provide you all solved papers of EMT, FR, DR, FDR, LFR, LTV, Naib Qasid, Seniority Worker,Accountatn, Assistant Accountatn, TMI, MT, SC, RSO, EO, DEO and etc.
LFT stands for:
- Last Function Test
- Liver Function Test
- Lungs Function Test
- Living Function Test
- b
Do not suction longer then …..seconds in adult patient.
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 30
- b
Usually, suction procedure used for 10 seconds in adults.
BT stands for:
- Bleeding Time
- Blood Time
- Bothe A & B
- None of these
- a
CT stands for Clotting Time.
Site for gaseous exchange in human is :
- Alveolar Ducts
- Alveoli
- Bronchiole
- Bronchi
- b
Breathing is controlled by the :
- Ribs
- Diaphragm
- Lungs
- Neck
- b
During F.A.S.T assessment, “A” stands for :
- Arm Weakness
- Orthopedic
- Auto
- Area of Body
- a
F.A.S.T are also called warning signs :
F Facial Drooping
A Arms
S Speech Difficulties
T Time
The S.A.P.L.E formula of patient history, “M” stands for in this formula :
- Movement
- Medications
- Medical
- None of these
- b
SAMPLE is basically related to history of patient.
S Signs/ Symptoms
A Allergies
M Medications
P Past Pertinent Medical History
L Last Order Intake
E Events Leading Up / Present Illness
The finger placement for Chest Compression is:
- Above the Nipple Line
- Below the Nipple Line
- Over the centre of Nipple Line
- None of these
- c
In the two rescuers adult CPR situation the ratio of compression to ventilation is :
- 10 : 30
- 30 : 02
- 30 : 02
- None of these
- b