- Personal Fire
- Arson Fire
- Automatic Fire
- Enemy Fire
- b
Rescue 1122
All Rescue 1122 Current & Past Papers are available in this portion of ETEST Website. This portion will provide you all solved papers of EMT, FR, DR, FDR, LFR, LTV, Naib Qasid, Seniority Worker,Accountatn, Assistant Accountatn, TMI, MT, SC, RSO, EO, DEO and etc.
How many levels of Fire Emergency Responses?
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- a
Standard Fire Response
Fire Emergency
Major Fire Emergency
How many possible ways of spread of Fire:
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- a
URL stands for:
- Uniform Resource Locator
- Universal Regional Locator
- Universal Rest Locator
- None of these
- a
When Hunza became the part of Pakistan?
- 1974
- 1971
- 1970
- 1980
- a
Hunza is also known as Kanjut.
Hunza is located in Gilgit Baltistan.
The currency of Pakistan is:
- Rupee
- Pound
- Dinaar
- Kina
- a
Capital of Pakistan is Islamabad.
غسل کے کتنے فرائض ہیں ؟
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- b
کلی کرنا
ناک میں پانی ڈالنا
پورے جسم پر پانی بہانا
وضو کے کتنے فرائض ہیں ؟
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- C
چہرہ دھونا
ہاتھوں کو کہنیوں سمیت دھونا
سر کا مسح کرنا
پاؤ ں ٹخنوں سمیت دھونا
Yen is the currency of:
- Japan
- Turkey
- Italy
- Swedan
- a
Capital of Japan is Tokyo.
Pakistan’s largest populated city is:
- Lahore
- Karachi
- Peshawar
- Quetta
- b
Largest city of Pakistan is Karachi.
Largest District of Pakistan area wise is Chaghi.