- 1000 km
- 1020 Km
- 1046 Km
- 1100 Km
- c
Total length of Pakistan's Coastline is 1046 Km or 650 Miles.
Maximum part of this coastline is located in Balochistan.
Sindh Police Department
The length of common border between Pakistan and India is:
- 900 Miles
- 1000 Miles
- 1100 Miles
- 2065 Miles
- d
The actual length of Pak-Indo border is 3323 Km or 2065 Miles.
(LOC length is also included in above length)
The new name of East Pakistan is:
- Nepal
- Bhutan
- Bangladesh
- None of these
- c
Bangladesh came into existence on 26th March 1971.
The capital of Bangladesh is Dhaka.
Number of houses of Pakistan’s Majlis E Sura (Parliament) is:
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
- b
Pakistan’s Parliament System is Bicameral Parliament System.There are two houses for legislation which are Senate and National Assembly.
Length of common border of Pakistan and Afghanistan is:
- 2252 Km
- 2282 Km
- 2452 Km
- 2611
- d
Pak Afghan border is called Durand Line.According to Survey Website of Pakistan, Actual length of Durand Line is 2611 Km.
In _____ Balochistan was merged into one unit of West Pakistan.
- 1951
- 1955
- 1958
- 1960
- b
In 1955, Balochistan was merged into one unit of West Pakistan.
After dissolution of one unit, Balochistan became province of Pakistan.
Pakistan’s first coin was issued on:
- 3rd June 1949
- 3rd January 1948
- 6th June 1949
- None of these
- b
The age of retirement for the Judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan is:
- 58 Years
- 60 Years
- 62 Years
- 65 Years
- d
The retirement age for the Judge of High Court is 62 years.
The retirement age for the Judge of Session Court is 60 Years.
Pakistan’s largest populated city is:
- Karachi
- Lahore
- Peshawar
- Quetta
- a
1st Karachi
2nd Lahore
3rd Faisalabad
4th Rawalpindi
In the absence of President, who becomes acting President of Pakistan?
- Chairman of Senate
- Chief Justice of Pakistan
- Speaker of National Assembly
- None of these
- a
In absence of Chairman Senate, Speaker National Assembly will perform as acting President of Pakistan.
Article 49 of Constitution of Pakistan provides information about the above mentioned question.