- An Uncountable Noun
- A Countable Noun
- Abstract Noun
- Material Noun
- b
Countable Nouns are countable.
We cant count Uncountable Nouns (Water, Milk, Air, Food).
Abstract Nouns are related to Feeling (Fear, Idea, Concept and etc).
Material Nouns are thing which are made by Gold, Iron, Silver and etc.
WAPDA Department
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Those clouds promise snow so we might get another snow day off from school.
- A Simple Sentence
- A Compound Sentence
- An Idiom
- Phrase
- b
بادل برف باری کرنا چاہتے ہیں تاکہ آج بھی ہم سکول نہ جاسکیں۔
In human body blood is cleaned by:
- Lungs
- Liver
- Heart
- Kidneys
- d
The Kidneys are Bean shaped organs.
CT Scan take cross sectional image of the body by using…….?
- Laser Beam
- X-Rays
- Radioactivity
- Ultrasonic Waves
- b
CT scan is a medical term.
CT scan stands for Computerized Tomography.
Which planet is easily visible from the Earth?
- Mars
- Venus
- Neptune
- None of these
- b
The distance of Venus from Earth is 74.349 Million Km.
Which of the following is an air pollution?
- Oxygen
- Carbon Monoxide
- Calcium
- Nitrogen
- b
The chemical formula of Carbon Monoxide is CO.
CO has no taste, no colour and smell.
Which of the following causes of “Raining Acid”?
- Sulphur Dioxide
- Halogens
- Methane
- Hydrocarbons
- a
…….is the world’s highest Polo ground?
- Kolachi
- Khyber Pass
- Chilas
- Shandur
- d
Shandur Top is the highest Polo ground.
The height of this playground is 3700 meters.
The currency of Iran is:
- Lera
- Irani Rupia
- Iranian Toman
- Irani
- c
The currency of Iran was Iranian Riyal but changed to Iranian Toman or Toman.
The smallest Muslim country of the world is:
- Kuwait
- Jordan
- Brunei
- Monaco
- c
Brunei is the smallest Muslim country as population.
Maldives is the smallest Muslim country area wise.