- Equal to Radius
- Greater then Radius
- Equal to Diameter
- Less then Radius
- B
WAPDA Department
All Papers of WAPDA Department are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All WAPDA MCQs of All Papers are completely solved with short detail. Our team updates this website on daily basis.
The line segments having both end points on a circle and not passing through the circle is called?
- Radius
- Chord
- Circumferences
- None of these
- b
How many vertices are there in a rectangle?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- d
A rectangle having four equal side and four equal angles is called?
- Quadrilateral
- Parallelogram
- Triangle
- Golden Rectangle
- a
What is the name of Internal layer of earth?
- Core
- Crust
- Mantle
- None of these
- a
There are three layers of Earth which are Crust, Core and Mantle.
The SI unit of charge is?
- Volt
- Columb
- Ohm
- Ameter
- b
Unit of Power is Watt in SI.
The largest unit of the universe is believed to be?
- Super Cluster
- Stars
- Glaxy
- Solar System
- a
Solar System is in Galaxy.
Super Cluster is a group of Galaxies.
Which of the part of the cell work like a goal keeper?
- Vacuole
- Cell Membrane
- Cytoplasm
- Nucleus
- b
Those products that do not pass electricity?
- Conductor
- Insulators
- Metal
- Semi Conductor
- b
Conductor passes current smoothly.
Which of these is not a plant?
- Fungus
- Grass
- Fern
- Moss
- a