- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- a
WAPDA Department
All Papers of WAPDA Department are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All WAPDA MCQs of All Papers are completely solved with short detail. Our team updates this website on daily basis.
What is synonym of Culprit?
- Liar
- Honest
- Offender
- Innocent
- C
Culprit مجرم۔
He has been going to school —- the last 10 years.
- for
- to
- from
- since
- a
وہ پچھلے 10 سالوں سے سکول جا رہا ہے
Which of the following is correct spelling:
- Applause
- Applouse
- Appaloze
- Applaz
- a
Applause تالیاں
Pakistan came in …..in 1947.
- to being
- to establish
- to Islam
- to Asia
- a
پاکستان 1947 میں وجود میں آیا۔
Since we had only gone a mile from camp , we could turn back before dark. This is?
- Compound Sentence
- Dependent Clause
- Complex
- Simple Sentence
- c
A subject and a verb that cannot stand alone is called?
- Simple sentence
- Compound sentence
- Dependent clause
- Complex sentence
- C
Who is current Governor of Balochistan?
- Mehmood Khan
- Zahoor Ahmed Agha
- Murad Ali Shah
- Jan Muhammad Khan Jamali
- d
Temple Tree is an official residence of:
- PM of Sri Lanka
- King of Nepal
- King of Bhutan
- Ahmad Shah Abdali
- a
Current PM of Sri Lanka is Mahinda Rajapaksa.
The currency of Austria is:
- Pound
- Euro
- Dollar
- Austrian Dollar
- b
Capital of Austria is Vienna.