- Back Up
- Buffer
- Binary Files
- Octal
- b
WAPDA Department
All Papers of WAPDA Department are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All WAPDA MCQs of All Papers are completely solved with short detail. Our team updates this website on daily basis.
Who is the inventor of Computer Mouse?
- Ada Lovelace
- Douglas Englebert
- Rutherford
- Charles Babbage
- b
Douglas Carl Englebert was an American Engineer.
He invented the Computer Mouse in 1964.
Which shortcut key is used to insert new slide in MS Power Point?
- Ctrl + M
- Alt + M
- Ctrl + O
- Ctrl + N
- a
To insert new presentation, we will use Ctrl + N.
……is a processor.
- Pentium
- Modem
- b
Pentium is a brand related to Processor.
Intel started the Pentium in 1993.
……is an output device.
- Monitor
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- All of the above
- a
Sound Card
Video Card
The use of computer is attractive because:
- Speed
- Reliability
- Accuracy
- All of these
- d
Any Crime that is involves a computer or Internet is called:
- Anti Social Crime
- Cyber Crime
- Professional Crime
- Organized Crime
- b
On 11th August 2016, National Assembly of Pakistan passed the Cyber Crime Bill.
How many Column of MS Excel Work Sheet?
- 16384
- 17852
- 18625
- 21575
- a
Total Rows in MS Excel are 1,048,576.
Total Cells in MS Excel are 17,179,869,184.
Who is founder of Social Media “Facebook”?
- Bill Gates
- Mark Zuckerberg
- Steve Jobs
- None of these
- b
Facebook was invented on 4th Feb, 2004.
Mark Zuckerberg is also owner of Whatsapp.
Measuring Unit of capacity of a Hard Disk is:
- GB
- Watt
- GHz
- Newton
- a
Nibble, Bit, Bytes, KB, MB are sub measuring units of Hard Disk.