- Abu Sufyan
- Utba
- Abu Lahab
- Abu Jahl
- a
All Assistant Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Assistant Post MCQs are solved with detailed answers.
Which punctuation mark is used after words?
- Apostrophe
- Exclamation
- Mark Colon
- Treasury
- B
Who is the founder of Social Media Network Facebook?
- Steve Jobs
- Mark Zuckerberg
- Bill Gate
- None of these
- b
Founder of Whatsapp are Jan Koum & Brian Acton.
Founder of Imo is Ralf Herik.
Founder of YouTube are Javaid Karim, Chad Hurly & Steve Chen.
FATA was comprised on how many agencies:
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- b
FATA stands for “Federal Administered Tribal Areas”.
The world’s longest river is:
- Ganges
- Mississippi
- Amazon
- Neil
- d
The length of River Neil is 6650 KM.
The world’s Deepest Lake is Baikal.
The World’s Largest sea is Philippine Sea.
Bengal was divided during the tenure of:
- Ripon
- Lord Curzon
- Hoardings
- None of these
- b
Bengal was divided in 1905.
Hollywood film Industry of USA is situated in:
- California
- New York
- Maryland
- Washington
- a
California is a state of USA.
Plutophobia is a fear of:
- Water
- Wealth
- Fire
- Height
- b
Fear of Water is called Hydrophobia.
Fear of Fire is called Pyrophobia.
Fear of Height is called Acrophobia.
Fear of Dark is called Nyctophobia.
Fear of Animals is called Zoophobia.
Fear of Dogs is called Cynophobia.
Fear of People is called Anthophobia.
Which is the oldest Airline of Pakistan?
- Pakistan Airline
- Orient Airline
- Air Blue
- c
Orient Airline duration was 1947-1955.
PIA was started in 1955.
Which country is the World’s Largest tea importer?
- Pakistan
- Russia
- China
- America
- a
China is the World’s Largest tea Exporter Country.