- Sensitive
- Careless
- Keen
- Agile
- C
Eager شوقین
Keen شوقین
Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI)
Assistant Sub Inspector (AS) all solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Website. All Department’s Papers of Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) i.e. Police Department, Airport Security Force, Anti-Corruption and etc are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website.We update all sections of ETEST Website on daily basis.
Choose the most appropriate synonym: Curator:
- Boiler
- Conservator
- Circular
- Enclosures
- b
Curator نگران
Conservator حفاظت کرنے والا
Curator, Custodian, Keeper, Conservator, Guardian, Caretaker, Steward.
Golden Crescent is the name given to:
- Iran, Iraq and Jordan
- Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan
- Thailand, Loas and Myanmar
- None of these
- b
Term AMLA stands for:
- Anti Money Laundering Authority
- Anti Money Act
- Anti Money Laundering Act
- None of these
- C
Term of SHO stands for:
- Station House Officer
- Station Headquarter Officer
- Both C & D
- None of these
- a
Where is Headquarter of UNODC located?
- New York, USA
- Mexico City
- Vienna, Austria
- Washington DC
- c
What do you understand by Warrant?
- Order of the Court for Compensation
- Waiver of any right
- Order of Court for arrest of any Person.
- None of these
- C
What is Summon?
- Penalty by Court
- Award By Court
- Order to attend Court on the Specific Date
- None of these
- c
How many Police stations are operational in Pakistan?
- 32
- 35
- 37
- 40
- B
ANF was raised in:
- 1995
- 1999
- 2002
- 2005
- a