- Coax
- Study
- Quantity
- Temporary
- a
Cajole میٹھی میٹھی باتیں کرنا، راضی کرنا
Coax منانا
Crop Reporter
Crop Reporter Solved Current & Past Paper MCQs are included in this portion. All Crop Reporter Agriculture Departments Past Papers have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website.Visitors should visit ETEST Website regularly for Best Jobs Tests Preparation because ETEST Team updates ETEST Website on daily basis.
Choose the Correct Synonyms: Banal
- Quick
- Modest
- Pleasant
- Commonplace
- d
Banal معمولی
Commonplace عام
Choose the Correct Synonyms: Balk
- Boldness
- Straddle
- Recoil
- Rest On
- c
Balk انکار کرنا
Recoil پیچھے ہٹنا
Choose the Correct Synonyms: Avow
- Troubled
- Affirm
- Heedless
- Negligent
- b
Avow وعدہ کرنا
Affirm تصدیق کرنا
Choose the Correct Synonyms: Avaricious
- Greedy
- Careless
- Fury
- Calmness
- a
Avaricious لالچی
Greedy لالچی