- Afghanistan
- Kazakhstan
- Bhutan
- Mongolia
- b
How many landlocked countries in Asia continent?
- 08
- 12
- 16
- 24
- b
There are 12 landlocked countries in the world which are Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bhutan, Laos, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
How many landlocked countries in the world?
- 40
- 42
- 44
- 46
- c
What is Holocaust?
- Killing of Germans
- Killing of period of Americans during War
- Killing of Jews during WWI
- Killing of Jews during WWII
- d
Six Million Jews were killed in WWII.
Which country’s Constitution is not in a written form?
- United Kingdom
- Denmark
- Indonesia
- b
There are three countries in the world which has unwritten constitution which are UK, New Zealand and Israel.
Who came to Pakistan after earthquake as a special representative of UNO’s earthquake reliefer?
- Trump
- Clinton
- Bush Senior
- George W.Bush
- c
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan appointed as George Bush Senior as special Envoy for South Asian Earthquake Disaster.
The largest producer of Solar Energy in the World is:
- China
- US
- Japan
- Germany
- a
Which country sent more paramedical aid to Pakistan after earthquake of 8th October 2005?
- Cuba
- China
- Afghanistan
- a
Cuba sent over 2400 Physicians and Paramedical Staff and also established 32 field Hospitals.
What was the Magnitude of earthquake on Richter Scale that hit Pakistan in October 2005?
- 6.5
- 7.6
- 8.6
- 10.6
- b
This Earthquake was occurred in Pakistan on 8th October 2005 at 08:50 AM (Pakistan’s Local Time).
Which is the oldest organization of Human Rights in the World?
- Asia Watch
- Freedom House
- Amnesty International
- Anti Slavery International
- d
Anti Slavery International was a non-governmental organization. It was founded in 1839. It works against slavery and related abuses. Its slogan is “Today’s Fight for tomorrow’s Freedom”