- 1957
- 1960
- 1989
- 1999
- a
Olympic Airways was founded on 6th April 1957, Athens, Greece.
Olympic Airways belongs to which country?
- Greek
- Japan
- Iran
- Egypt
- a
The Capital of Taiwan is:
- Hanoi
- Taipei
- Minsk
- Andorra
- b
Taiwan is located in East Asia.
Which month of Hindi Year is called Brother of March?
- Chate
- Basakh
- Magh
- None of these
- a
Kremlin is a fortress where there are government officers, places and churches in:
- Russia
- Russia
- Pakistan
- Afghanistan
- b
It is a fortified complex in the centre of Moscow. It is Official residence of President of Russia.
Kotri Barrage was inaugurated by:
- Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- Khawaj Nazim Ud Din
- Ghulam Muhammad Malik
- Iskandar Mirza
- c
This Dam was inaugurated by Governor General of Pakistan Ghulam Muhammad.
Ghulam Muhammad Barrage is also called:
- Chashma Barrage
- Kotri Barrage
- Jinnah Barrage
- Gudu Barrage
- b
Its 3000 feet long Barrage. It is situated near Hyderabad. It was constructed on Indus river. It was completed in 1955 and became operational
Braille Education System was introduced by:
- Marry Jaccoline
- Aristotle
- Louis Braille
- None of these
- c
Braille Education System was introduced in 1924 by Louis Braille.
Braille Education System was introduced by Braille for:
- Deaf
- Dumb
- Blinds
- All of the above
- c
This type of study is for blind people. Its consist of specific dots for understanding.
Khanki Headworks was constructed in _______ in Gujranwala.
- 1885
- 1889
- 1995
- 1999
- b