- Emergency Medical Services
- Emergency Medical System
- Equal Medical System
- None of these
- a
ای ایم ایس ، وسائل کا ایسا نیٹ ورک ہوتا ہے جس کا مقصد زخمیوں ، بیماروں یا اچانک حادثہ کی صورت میں میڈیکل یا ٹرانسپورٹیشن کی سہولیات فراہم کرنا ہے۔
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Rescue 1122 Current & Past Solved Papers have uploaded in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All EMT Rescue 1122 MCQs as well as trade related MCQs are included in this portion.This section is most helpful for all candidates of Emergency Medical Technician EMT Rescue 1122.
What is PPE?
- Protocol Protective Equipment
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Personal Protective Environment
- All of the above
- b
There are five basic PPE which are
Latics Gloves
Personal Mask
Eye Protection
CPR Mask
MFR stands for:
- Medical First Responder
- Male First Responder
- Medium First Responder
- None of these
- a
The first responder / person on incident or accident with complete medical training that can provide First Aid is called MFR.
ٹروما میں کونسے مریض شامل ہیں؟
- دل کے مریض
- دمہ کے مریض
- ذہنی مریض
- زخمی مریض
- d
Red Cross was founded in which year?
- 1863
- 1875
- 1885
- 1890
- a
Its Headquarter is located in Geneva, Switzerland.
It was first logo of Red Cross.
Red Moon in this log shows Medical Facilities for all over the world.
What is Pre-Hospital Care?
- First Aid
- Courage
- Provide Water
- None of these
- a
حادثہ کی جگہ مریض کو طبی امدا ددینا
اسپتال پہنچنے سے پہلے
یا اسپتال منتقل کرنے سے پہلے مریض کو طبی امداد دینا پری اسپتال کیئر کہلاتی ہے۔
Pneumothorax is …..in the pleural space.
- Air
- Water
- Puss
- Bile
- a
Capillary refill time is delayed more than 2 seconds in ……….condition(s)?
- Blood Vessels to limb are delayed
- Has lost a lot of blood
- is very cold
- All of the above
- a
Heart is unable to circulate sufficient blood to meet the body’s metabolic needs. This is an example of:
- Distributive Shock
- Cardiogenic
- Hypovolemic Shock
- Anaphylactic Shock
- b
The most common cause of Cardiogenic Shock is Heart Attack.
A patient fallen from height needs to be managed initially:
- Administration of Oxygen
- C Spine Protection
- Give Compression
- Provide AED
- a