- Cow
- Buffalo
- Camel
- Goat
- b
It is mostly found in Pakistan and India.
We can get 2000kg milk on yearly basis from Nili Ravi.
Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
Lower Division Clerk (LDC) Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Departments LDC Solved Papers MCQs are included with detailed answers.
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Angry”
- Good Humored
- Mad
- Pleased
- Calm
- b
Angry ناراض
Mad پاگل
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Mistake”
- Perfection
- Typo
- Judge
- Be right
- b
Mistake غلطی
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Speak”
- Be quite
- Listen
- Talk
- Sprout
- c
Speak بولو۔
Talk بات کریں۔
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Glad”
- Happy
- Dismayed
- Sad
- Unwilling
- a
Glad خوشی ہوئی۔
Happy خوش۔
Choose the most similar meaning words: “Always”
- Give Up
- Retain
- Forever
- Never
- c
Always ہمیشہ
Forever ہمیشہ کیلئے
What is the average number of 0,0,4,10,5 and 5?
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
- a
The currency of UAE is:
- Dirham
- Dinar
- Riyal
- Lira
- a
Lira is the currency of Turkey.
Riyal is the currency of Saudi Arabia.
Dinar currency is used in several countries.
The largest Planet in Solar System is:
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Mars
- Earth
- a
The area of Jupiter is 61.42 Billion Km2.
Muhammad Ali Sadpara, the Pakistani mountaineer died on which mountain?
- K2
- Mount Everest
- Rakaposhi
- Kilimanjaro
- a
His body was found on 26th July 2021 in K2.