- Bahawalpur
- Chaghi
- Sawat
- Lahore
- b
The area of Chaghi District is 44748 Km2
Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
Lower Division Clerk (LDC) Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Departments LDC Solved Papers MCQs are included with detailed answers.
Which continent is known as “Dark Continent”?
- Asia
- Europe
- Africa
- Australia
- c
The area of Africa continent is 30.37 Million Km2.
How many countries are member of ASEAN?
- 08
- 10
- 12
- 14
- b
ASEAN stands for “ Association of Southeast Asian Association”.
ASEAN was founded on 8th August 1967.
What is Official currency of OPEC?
- Dollar
- Riyal
- Rupia
- Yen
- a
OPEC stands for “Organizatio of the Petroleum Countries”.
OPEC was founded on 14th September 1960.
OPEC consist of 13 Countries.
Select the correct Article to complete the sentence: “I was not interested …..this matter”
- In
- At
- On
- For
- a
مجھے اس معاملے میں کوئی دلچسپی نہیں تھی
Select the correct meaning of Idiom: “Fair and Square”
- Goog
- Careful
- Careless
- None of these
- b
Select the correct Indirect Speech: He said, “I am ill”
- He told that he is ill.
- He told that he was ill.
- He told that he has ill.
- None of these
- b
اس نے کہا ، "میں بیمار ہوں
اس نے بتایا کہ وہ بیمار ہے۔
Choose the correct phrasal verb: “Before …..for Multan, it is urgent”.
- Setting of
- Setting for
- Setting on
- Setting out
- a
ملتان کے لئے قیام سے پہلے ، یہ ضروری ہے
Choose the correct spelling word:
- Predecesser
- Predecessar
- Predecesor
- Predecessor
- d
Choose the Opposite word of “Enormous”:
- Tiny
- Large
- Excel
- None of these
- a
بے حد